朋友与敌人Friends and Foes


—Jenna Helland, Godsend

As they so often do, destruction and creation intermingled. As Purphoros cut into Nyx, he rattled the celestial creatures that populated the night sky. He accidentally dislodged Polukranos, the World Eater, from its heavenly perch. The fifty-headed monster plunged toward the mortal realm, leaving a trail of Nyx blazing in the sky.
Heliod joined with Nylea, God of the Hunt, who cast vines beneath the hydra’s body to ease its harsh entrance into the world. The hydra materialized in the valley and was momentarily stunned into stillness. Though much diminished in size, the hydra could still destroy every human city unless it was immediately contained. Together the gods trapped the hydra inside a cavern deep under the Nessian Forest.
—Jenna Helland, Godsend


This chapter provides stat blocks for a variety of creatures unique to Theros, including mythic monsters—legendary beings intended to serve as peerless threats. It also includes lore relevant to monsters from the Monster Manual that appear on Theros.

天裔生物Nyxborn Creatures

Just as the gods are born of Nyx, so are many creatures. Nyxborn creatures are beings of legend, some the subjects of hopeful dreams and others the product of nightmares. They come into existence as the result of divine action, as the expression of abstract ideals, or as manifestations of the strength of shared belief. As mortals continue to tell their tales of creatures that never were and repeat legends that glorify historic individuals, Nyxborn creatures of those stories might arise.
Whether monsters, manifestations of long-dead mortals, or other beings, Nyxborn creatures share certain characteristics: they resemble ordinary mortal creatures, but any part of their body that isn't lit by direct light shows the starry gleam of Nyx. Nyxborn creatures typically act as the direct servants of one of the gods, but occasionally they escape from the realm of Nyx and pursue their own goals—which might be as simple as violent rampage, or as complex as a far-reaching plan to break the power of the gods.
You can use the Nyxborn Monster Origin table to help you decide what brought a Nyxborn creature into existence.

天裔生物起源Nyxborn Monster Origin
d6   起源Origin
1   一位神灵创造了这个生物作为其使节服务。
2   这只生物由于某种神圣行为的副作用而诞生。
3   这只生物自冥界逃离。
4   这只生物因一个关于它的故事而获得了形体。
5   一位神灵将这只生物作为宠物或坐骑。
6   这只生物因梦境或梦魇而赋形。

Nyxborn Monster Origin
d6   Origin
1   A god created the creature to serve as an emissary.
2   The creature formed as the side effect of some other divine action.
3   The creature escaped from the Underworld.
4   The creature took shape from the tales told about it.
5   A god made the creature to serve as a pet or mount.
6   The creature took shape from dreams or nightmares.

天裔资料Nyxborn Statistics


Any type of creature might be Nyxborn. A Nyxborn creature has the normal statistics for its kind, but usually has a special characteristic, a magical quality that sets it apart. When creating Nyxborn creatures, you can summarize their Nyxborn traits as Magic Resistance, as in the Nyxborn Traits table. Alternatively, if you'd like more variety, roll on that table to randomly determine the distinctive characteristic of a Nyxborn creature, or choose one of these or similar traits.

天裔特质Nyxborn Traits
d6   特质Trait
1   魔法抗性Magic Resistance. 这只生物的天裔本质让它在对抗法术和其他魔法效应的豁免时具有优势。
2   光照敏感Light Sensitivity. 作为一只属于夜晚天空的生物,这只天裔在明亮光照下的攻击检定和依赖视觉的感知(察觉)检定具有劣势。
3   不变形态Immutable Form. 这只天裔生物是一种其同类哲学上的理想形态。它免疫任何改变其形态的魔法或效应。
4   魔法武器Magic Weapons. 该天裔的生物的武器攻击是魔法的。
5   夜天漫步Nyx Step. 这只天裔生物能够将其他生物和物件视作困难地形移动穿过。如果它在物件内部结束自己的回合,则受到5(1d10)力场伤害。
6   星光形态Starlight Form. 这只天裔生物闪耀着夜空的柔和光芒,在其15尺内洒下昏暗光照

传统怪物Classic Monsters

Numerous creatures hold special places in the lives and myths of Theros's people. Some are beings said to have been created by the gods—often for special purposes or as divine punishments. Others roam particular territories—lands that have become synonymous with a monstrous population. And still other monsters are in some way unique to Theros, exhibiting appearances, behaviors, and abilities seen few other places in existence.
This section explores Theros's most noteworthy monstrous myths and curiosities unique to this world. If a monster appears differently on Theros than elsewhere in the multiverse, those differences are noted here. Should those differences be significant enough to alter a creature's statistics, those changes are detailed here, as well. If a monster is from a collection other than the Monster Manual, its source is listed in its description.


Legends told among the worshipers of Pharika describe how the god hid a treasure trove of secrets in basilisk blood, inspiring her followers to seek ways to reveal the truths hidden among organs and scales. Healers dilute the blood to use in potions, and oracles employ it in divination rituals.
Basilisks on Theros have only four legs but are statistically identical to the monster described in the Monster Manual



Legends tell of a human herder who bragged that his cattle were the finest in all of Theros. When the gods heard this, Heliod, Nylea, and Mogis became involved in laying a curse that afflicted the mortal and his cattle, giving rise to the first catoblepas. How the gods were involved, though, and for what honorable or petty reasons, the gods' faithful—particularly those of Heliod and Nylea—greatly debate (see chapter 2). Regardless, catoblepases are widely viewed as cursed creatures, which only Mogis's faithful hold in wicked esteem.
The catoblepas appears in Volo's Guide to Monsters.



独眼巨人宁愿从小个子生物那里偷窃财物,也不愿意自己辛劳。The human polis of Akros maintains an outpost in the Katachthon Mountains to keep an eye on the cyclopes population around One-Eyed Pass (see Akros). From the cyclopes' perspective, the Akroan soldiers provide a reliable source of food, for the soldiers herd approaching enemies into cyclops territory rather than fighting these foes themselves. Thus, the cyclopes attack the Akroans just enough to keep the humans afraid of them, but not so much that they eliminate them or drive them off.
Similarly, cyclopes who prey on sheep learn never to eat the shepherd. Like the pit of a fruit, a discarded shepherd will eventually "grow" a new flock to feed the cyclopes.
Cyclopes would rather steal the bounty of smaller beings than toil themselves.

蓝龙Blue Dragons
红龙Red Dragons
不朽视角Immortal Perspective

The dragons of Theros are barely capable of speech and sow destruction either individually or by forcing minions to carry out their will. Only red and blue dragons exist on Theros, and both are brutish tyrants that leave devastation in their wake.
Blue Dragons
Blue dragons live along the ocean shore in cliffside caves, from where they scan the waves for prey that swims or flies into their territory. Many experienced sea captains know the blue dragon lairs along the coastlines they ply and chart routes to avoid draconic scrutiny.
Red Dragons
Red dragons soar over mountain slopes and lowland valleys, feasting on cattle and those who tend herds. They often lair in dangerous mountain caves or volcanoes. Akroans revere red dragons and employ their images in the design of their armor, believing that the creatures embody the drive for power and dominion. Akroans sometimes settle near a red dragon's lair, forging tenuous alliances by making sacrifices of cattle or prisoners to gain its favor and protection.
Immortal Perspective
Despite their arrogance and viciousness, dragons are long-lived and perceptive. Their age and patience allows them to divine signs amid violent weather and the rotation of constellations. For worthy sacrifices of food, wealth, or flattery, a dragon might share its interpretations of omens—either those it has witnessed or sights mortals relate to them. Roll on the omens tables to determine what the dragon has seen. How the dragon interprets these visions is up to you.



Krakens number among the most terrifying denizens of the sea, their wrath capable of ruining entire poleis. Under normal circumstances, each kraken is bound by a sea lock, a magical effect that restricts its travel. The area encompassed by the lock is large enough to enable the kraken to feed but prevents these near-immortal beings from raiding densely populated regions. Some stories claim that a seaquake or other natural disaster might break a sea lock and free the kraken to rage as it pleases. Other tales, though, suggest that sea locks emanate from ancient coral weapons buried in the ocean depths and that keep a kraken tied within a few hundred miles

天底巨海兽Nadir Krakens


The largest and most devastating krakens, nadir krakens, dwell in the deepest ocean trenches. These krakens are unique beings, of which the terrifying Tromokratis (described in the "Mythic Monsters" section of this chapter) numbers among the most feared. When a nadir kraken breaks free of its sea lock and rises to the surface, continents are redrawn, civilizations collapse, and eras end.
Unleashed from the darkest ocean depths, each nadir kraken is a unique aquatic nightmare.


拉弥亚Lamia *


When rage and despair at the gods' misdeeds consume a mortal mind, a lamia comes into being. Most lamias in Theros are Nyxborn (described earlier in this chapter), owing their existence to their own twisted imagination, which has changed their physical nature to reflect their internal self. Lamias have wildly varying physical forms, ranging from a feline shape similar to the lamia in the Monster Manual to a more serpentine form similar to a yuan-ti. In each case, the lamia's body reflects the creature's corrupted instincts and predatory nature.




Medusas (often called gorgons on Theros) are closely associated with Pharika, the god of poison and medicine. Pharika has charged her favored servants with guarding secrets of life, health, and immortality that are too powerful to be known by those who lack the wisdom to use them properly. Those who approach a medusa with humility and worthy offerings might receive the creature's favor. The medusa might propose a dangerous quest to fetch some rare ingredient or legendary relic, promising to reward success with a bit of Pharika's knowledge. This information might lead to a cure for a plague, an alchemical breakthrough, or a secret of the cosmos.

绞缠Constrict. 近战武器攻击:命中+3,触及10尺,单一目标。
多重攻击Multiattack. 美杜莎进行三次近战攻击——一次使用其蛇发,一次使用绞缠,一次使用短剑——或者使用长弓进行两次远程攻击。


The medusas of Theros differ from those in the Monster Manual in that they have long, serpentine bodies in place of legs. A medusa uses the stat block from the Monster Manual with the following altered and additional actions:
Constrict. Melee Weapon Attack: +3 to hit, reach 10 ft., one target. Hit: 7 (2d6) bludgeoning damage, and the target is grappled (escape DC 11) if it is a Large or smaller creature. Until this grapple ends, the target is restrained, and the medusa can’t constrict another target.
Multiattack. The medusa makes either three melee attacks—one with its snake hair, one to constrict, and one with its shortsword—or two ranged attacks with its longbow.

夜鬼婆Night Hag
塞洛斯的夜鬼婆外表像是长着粗糙面孔的丑陋老妪,当她们用无目的眼窝盯着看的时候,会把一只眼睛含到干瘪的嘴唇间。她们通常在冥界建造自己的小屋,特别是在惩戒泥沼(见 诸神的国度)中高耸的花岗岩和玄武岩立柱四周。在那里,冒犯神明之人的哀歌之中,夜鬼婆吸入篝火升起的有毒烟雾。她们追随着烟雾唤起的幻象去追寻脆弱的凡人的梦境,并在其中播下愚行的种子。


Night hags on Theros appear as leathery-faced crones that hold their single eye within their withered lips as they stare with eyeless sockets. They usually build their huts in the Underworld, particularly around the towering pillars of basalt and granite within the Mire of Punishment (see Realms of the Gods). There, amid the lamentations of those who have offended the gods, night hags inhale the smoke of toxic balefires. They follow the visions the smoke invokes to the dreams of vulnerable mortals where they sow the seeds of folly.
A night hag senses the world around her with sensitive fingers, keen hearing, and the single eye she typically holds in her mouth. When a night hag uses her powers to transform, her eye often becomes a bauble or piece of jewelry she keeps close at all times.
From the foulest reaches of the Underworld, night hags invade the dreams of mortals.

斯芬克斯之谜Riddles of the Sphinx


Sphinxes typically dwell in island sanctums, especially in the far reaches of the Dakra Isles. Many develop schools of philosophy or academic methods that they share with students they deem worthy, their ideas remarkable enough to seem akin to magic. Their age and wisdom also often allows them to predict what's to come as effectively as any oracle.
Riddles of the Sphinx
A sphinx might ask riddles to explore the cleverness, thought processes, and humility of those who seek to learn from them. These inquiries help the sphinx gauge a would-be student's mettle before allowing them access to its secrets. The following are just a few riddles (along with their answers) that a sphinx might use to test a visitor's wit:
?   The more of these you take, the more you leave behind. (Steps)
?   What has six faces, but no mouth, has twenty-one eyes, but cannot see? (A die)
?   What turns everything but does not move? (A mirror)
?   The more there is, the less you see. (Darkness)
?   What is stronger than the gods, more terrifying than the demons, the poor have it, the rich need it, and if you eat it, you die? (Nothing)

流浪先知The Wandering Oracle



Throughout history, the wise and ancient androsphinx Medomai has appeared in Meletis during moments of historical import, such as religious ceremonies, coronations, and the onset of wars. For decades, he has brought his cryptic knowledge of future events to the people, but since his predictions tend to be dire, his arrival is generally viewed as a bad omen.
Although they possess great wisdom, sphinxes won't share their secrets with just anyone.


塞洛斯的独角兽和天界的神秘事物有着密切的联系。他们通常出现在那些效忠于善良诸神之人的梦中。在梦里,他们可以引导疲倦者获得安慰,引导孤独者获得快乐,引导英雄走向他们的命运。而它们似乎也会从梦中进入现实,在清醒的世界中提供同样的帮助。追随独角兽之人可能会寻找到失落英雄的宝藏、神圣的废墟、或来自诸神的伟大预兆Unicorns on Theros are closely tied to the mysteries of Nyx. They often appear in the dreams of those doing the work of goodly gods. In such dreams, they might guide the weary to solace, the forlorn to joy, and the heroic to their destiny. In the waking world, they often provide the same aid, sometimes appearing to step from dreams into reality. Those who follow unicorns might find the treasures of lost heroes, hallowed ruins, or grand omens from the gods.