诅咒石化人 Stone cursed

The stone cursed are spawned through a foul alchemical ritual performed on a humanoid that has been turned to stone. The ritual, which requires a mixture of basilisk blood and the ashes from the burned feathers of a cockatrice, awakens a dim echo of the petrified victim's spirit, animating the statue and turning it into a useful guardian.
Lingering Spirits. The stone cursed possess a malevolent drive to slay the living, yet they are utterly loyal to whoever performed the ritual to animate them, and they obey that being's orders to the best of their ability. In combat, stony claws that drip with thick, gray sludge emerge from a stone cursed's fingers. This alchemical sludge transforms those slashed by the claws into statues.
A Strange Harvest. As part of the ritual used to create a stone cursed, a fist-sized obsidian skull forms within the creature's torso. The skull isn't visible while the stone cursed is active, but when it is slain, the statue shatters and the skull clatters to the ground. Because it is the nexus for the alchemy used to create these horrors, a dim echo of the original victim's memories resonates within the skull. A skilled magic-wielder can attempt to extract memories from it to gain insight into the victim's past or find lore that otherwise would be lost.
Constructed Nature. A stone cursed doesn't require air, food, drink, or sleep.
Cryptic Whispers. Even though creatures transformed into stone cursed are long dead, a vague whisper of their memories lives on in the obsidian skull embedded within the stone cursed's body. At the end of a short rest, a character can make a DC 20 Intelligence (Arcana) check to attempt to extract a memory from the skull—a memory that is a response to a verbal question posed by the character to the skull. Once this check is made, whether it succeeds or fails, the skull can't be used in this manner again.

诅咒石化人 stone cursed
生命值 19(3d8+4)
速度 10尺
力量16(+3) 敏捷5(-3) 体质14(+2)
智力5(-3) 感知8(-1) 魅力7(-2)
感官:被动察觉 9

机会主义Cunning Opportunist。当诅咒石化人进行一次借机攻击时,该次攻击带有优势。
拟形False Appearance。当诅咒石化人静止不动时,外表与一尊无生命的雕像无异。
石化爪击 Petrifying Claws。近战武器攻击:命中+5,触及5尺,单一目标。命中:8(1d10+3)挥砍伤害。或者14(2d10+3)优势挥砍伤害。若目标为一个生物,需成功于一个DC12的体质豁免,豁免失败的生物开始逐渐转变为石头并陷入束缚。受束缚生物必须在其自己的下一回合结束时再次进行该豁免。豁免成功则终止该效应。豁免失败则该生物陷入石化并持续24小时。