那加帕 Nagpa


“Nagpas can't learn from that which isn't destroyed. Imagine how bewildering and terrifying a city full of life must be to them. Is it any wonder that they seek the ruin of such places?”


Nagpa. Long ago, the Raven Queen cursed a cabal of thirteen powerful wizards for meddling in a ritual that would have helped avert a war between the gods. She stripped them of their beauty, turning them into scabrous, birdlike monstrosities. The nagpas now plot as they ever did, but they now strive to bring about terrible, world-shaking calamities so they can pry secrets and power from the wreckage their conspiracies create.
The nagpas fear the Raven Queen and do their best to avoid her and her agents. When it's impossible to do so, they become cringing, fawning things, eager to please and thereby escape the cold gaze of the being who brought them so low. All of the original thirteen remain alive, thanks to their cunning and their willingness to do whatever is necessary to survive.
Looters of Civilization. The curse the Raven Queen placed on the nagpas restricts the ways in which they can acquire new lore and magical power, barring them from any source except for the ruins left behind from fallen civilizations and great calamities. For this reason, nagpas turn their efforts to bringing about such ends, so they can loot the libraries, plunder the vaults, and gather up secrets of arcane lore from the wreckage.
Puppet Masters. Nagpas work in the shadows, manipulating events to bring about ruin. As accomplished magic-users, they can bring to bear an array of spells to make agents of other creatures, influencing their decisions in subtle ways and pulling on strings to make them into unwitting accomplices in their own destruction. Nagpas show great patience in their plots and have several schemes working simultaneously, each at different stages of completion, so if one plan goes awry, they can shift their focus to another. Typically, nagpas only show their handiwork and emerge from the shadows when they can deliver a finishing blow and then revel in the grand devastation their plotting brought about.

那加帕 Nagpa
护甲等级 19 (天生护甲)
生命值 187(34d8+34)
速度 30尺
力量9(-1) 敏捷15(+2) 体质12(+1)
智力23(+6) 感知18(+4) 魅力21(+5)
感官:真实视觉 120 尺,被动察觉 20

腐败 Corruption。以一个附赠动作,那加帕标记一名其可见的90Ft距离内的生物,目标需进行一次DC20的魅力豁免,若目标为邪恶阵营则该次豁免取劣势。若豁免失败,目标被那加帕魅惑,直到下一次那加帕的回合开始。若豁免成功,则接下来24小时内该生物免疫此效应。
麻痹 Paralysis(充能6)。以一个附赠动作,那加帕会令其30Ft内的每个生物进行一次DC20的感知豁免,失败则陷入麻痹(paralyzed)1分钟。被麻痹的目标可以在每个自己的回合末进行豁免,成功则解除该效果。不死生物和构装体对这种效果免疫。
施法 Spellcasting。那加帕是一名15级的施法者。它的施法能力是智力(法术豁免DC 20、法术攻击命中+12)。那加帕准备着下列魔法:
戏法(任意): 冻寒之触chill touch,  焰箭fire bolt, 法师之手mage hand, 传讯术message, 次级幻影minor illusion
1级(4个法术位):魅惑人类charm person, 侦测魔法detect magic, 防护善恶protection from evil and good, 巫术箭witch bolt
2级(3个法术位):人类定身术hold  person, 衰弱射线ray of enfeeblement, 暗示术suggestion
3级(3个法术位):法术反制counterspell, 火球术fireball, 飞行术fly
4级(3个法术位):困惑术confusion, 幻景hallucinatory terrain, 火墙术wall of fire
5级(2个法术位):支配人类dominate person, 托梦术dream, 指使术geas
6级(1个法术位):死亡法阵circle of death, 解离术disintegrate
7级(1个法术位):以太化etherealness,  虹光喷射prismatic  spray
木棍 Staff。近战武器攻击:命中+8,触及5尺,一个目标。命中:9(2d6+2)钝击伤害。